As a main supplier and a special manufacturer of key electrical equipment of electrical power projects in China, CANIN Co. will works with the first class professional power construction companies of china as a coNSORTIUM to contract various electrical engineering and projects in the world
L.V.Control room of power plant
H.V.Control room of power plant
Lightning arresters of power plant

EPCM Contracts Management
The CONSORTIUM performs complex "turn-key," projects, starting from design stage, implementing procurement and delivery of equipment and materials,construction works, up to the commissioning and warranty service. Meanwhile, we, as the EPC 1 EPCM Contractor, undertaké the risks of project costoverdraft and putting into operation delays. éPC 1 EPCM contracts allow customers to relieve their own management resources from non-core businessesand to concentrate on core activities during implementation of investment projects.

Capital construction
Construction of new objects requires responsible approach on the part of any, even very skilled, organization.The Holding undertakes such responsibil

Design engineering
Project development should be carried out by professional designers with substantial theoretical and practical introduction experience

Industrial equipment installation
In order to ensure an integrated approach to construction, CONSORTIUM as an EPC - contractor takes up the responsibility for the delivery of materialsand equipment, and in the process of installation - for their diagnosis and adjustment. CONSORTIUM has very close and reliable relationships withleading manufacturers of equipment, spare parts and materials, some of them are produced on our own facilities. This allows the Customer to purchaseequipment and materials at reasonable pricing, to ensure timeliness and reliability of supply and, consequently, to execute project in due time terms.

Service maintenance
Service maintenance is one of the most intensively developing sectors in the repair market. Uniting monitoring, maintenance service, repairs, andprocedure of acceptance of administrative decisions and the risk-management as well, the complex product demands much greater competence oftechnicians, rather than every separately taken listed elements.

Rehabilitation of equipment reliability
Rehabilitation of reliability is restoration of working capacity and technical characteristics of the object. Like capital construction, repair should be a "turn-key" activity, when the company takes up not only thé repair works but also the development of the repair project.

Monitoring, diagnostics and maintenance
Maintenance, together with monitoring and diagnostics, allows not only to increase the life cycle of the equipment, to reduce defects and emergencyshut-downs, but also to essentially reduce repair costs.

Automatic process control introduction
Automation allows to improve the accuracy of processes, to reduce energy consumption and the materials/output ratio, to lower the cost and to increasethe output volume.

Supply and Manufacture of equipment and spare parts
The product allows the Client to increase integration of any of the products and to satisfy individual needs of his production.